Ingredients Of Breast Milk Enhancer


All natural, safe Breastfeeding Milk Enhancer contains only the following three key ingredients. Here is how they have come to be known to increase mother’s breast milk production:

Breastfeeding Better

Wet Nurse Blessed Thistle, Cnicus benedictus L. is a thistle like appearing plant known for it’s bitter properties that actually calms the gastrointestinal tract and relieves indigestion. The seed contains lignan lactones, such as trachelogenin.  Lignans are phytoestrogen precursors for the key mammalian legnans: enterolactone and enterodiol that are present in humans and animals. Blessed Thistle promotes blood flow to the mammary glands.  This increases oxygen and nutrients via the blood enabling mother’s breast to produce more breast milk. This should not be taken or started before childbirth as it could cause uterine or vaginal bleeding during pregnancy.

Breastfeeding Better

Fenugreek, Foenum Graecum is a spice used since ancient times in the Middle East, North Africa, and in India to stimulate breast milk production.  While it has never been determined exactly why, Fenugreek has been known to increase breast milk production by as much as 900 percent. The oil in the seed has been known to play an important role. Very seldom do women have side effects but some may notice a maple syrup like odor to their urine a sweat.  This will disappear when the herb is stopped.  Fenugreek has been known to be helpful in patients with asthma and respiratory conditions.  If you are diabetic, talk to your physician before taking as Fenugreek can lower blood glucose levels.

Breastfeeding Better

Fennel, Foeniculum vulgare plant came originally from Europe where it is still grown.  Cultivated also in parts of North America, Asia and Egypt, Fennel seeds are used in herbal medicines. The constituent terpenoid anethole found in the seed oil acts to inhibit smooth muscle spasms such as in the gastrointestinal tract. It is known for its use in preventing or improving abdominal bloating, gas and colic pain.  It is thought that related compounds to anethole may have oestrogenic actions.  Fennel is known for having some diuretic properties and can increase urine output. While no adverse effects have been noted, women with history or family history of breast cancer should avoid Fennel in large quantities until the significance of its oestrogenic-like activity is clarified. This compound also encourages healthy breast milk production. Rarely, Fennel has caused allergic reaction to the skin or respiratory tract.

Breastfeeding Better

There you have it!  Breastfeeding Milk Enhancer increases breast milk production with just three well known herbs that have been recommended for years by qualified herbalists and naturopathic physicians.

DISCLAIMER:  While known for their safety and efficacy, herbals should be considered as only part of the solution to better breast milk production.  Every mother should follow up regularly with her physician or babies Pediatrician. The information here is for educational purposes.  Please consult with your physician regarding the advisability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your own personal healthcare.

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